My Narcissistic Enemy

My Narcissistic Enemy
My Narcissistic Enemy by Karen Eastland

My Narcissistic Enemy, performed by the band, Rhonans Fist, is about someone who played a large role in my life and they were the kind of person who had the inability to hide that aspect of themselves.

They are not in my life anymore. I'm sure we've all known some overtly narcissistic people throughout our lives... if you haven't... Go You! :)

I am working with ComfyUI and Nodes atm with the intent of singing the songs to puppet my video creations so they can lip synch right down to the finest lyric.


  • Lyrics by Karen Eastland,
  • Production by Karen Eastland
  • All vocals and music created using Audio AI: *
  • Images and Videos created with Klingon
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Reaper